Contact us
Get in touch with us today
You can call us or alternatively complete the form below and a member of our team will contact you.
Handepay Merchant Services
Westway Park,
Galway Crescent,
WA11 0GR
New sales enquiries phone:
0800 377 7382
Existing customers phone:
0333 005 0999
Calls and connection to these numbers will vary dependent on your service provider. Typically the cost per minute to these numbers is approx. 7p per minute.
[email protected]
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5:15pm
Why choose Handepay?
No hidden fees
In contrast to other card machine providers, we don't charge many of the fees you may find on your statement
Hassle-free switching
In most cases, we cover your fees when you switch to us. Our team is on hand to help you switch and save
28,000 customers
We have a loyal and happy customer base - which is reflected by our ‘Excellent’ Trustpilot rating
Service & support
We’re available around the clock to respond to your needs - with 24/7 service and support
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