Take more payments. Make more money. Spend less time on admin at the end of the day.

After a long shift, the last thing you want is to spend hours counting cash and matching till receipts. Wouldn’t you rather go home to the family or go out with friends?

With a card machine you can spend more time on the things that make you money.

And why risk accepting counterfeit notes when you could just let customers tap their card and be on their way?

More secure. More hygienic. No worries.


Don’t let cash get in the way of making money

Card machines work for businesses of all types and sizes to help you take more payments quicker.

Whether it’s a single countertop machine, or a portable machine to take payments directly to customers, there’s a card payment solution that will work for your business.

For tradespeople or mobile workers, a mobile card machine lets you take payments wherever you go with a simple tap.

And every card machine comes with contactless technology built in.

Accept payments from every major debit and credit card provider. Be future ready with technology that accepts digital wallets like Apple and Samsung Pay.

You’ve got enough to do as a business owner. Taking payments should be the easiest thing you have to do.

Start using a card machine and take the hassle out of making a profit.

Have a look at how a card payment solution fits into your business



Trustpilot logo for rated excellent by customers


Already using a card machine in your business? Switch to us and save money


Man holding a card payment machine


Our Easy Switch Team are on hand to offer you help and support with switching from your card payment solution. And, even better - in most cases we'll even cover your switching fees!



Financial disclaimer:

Terminal hire contracts are provided by Merchant Rentals Limited, who is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for Consumer Hire under FRN 720500. Terminal hire can be for consumer hire and non-regulated hire contracts. Please check your contract carefully for details. Regulation of all consumer hire fall under the control of the FCA.

Handepay Ltd is authorised and regulated by the FCA for Consumer Credit under FRN 673564. Handepay is a credit broker for consumer hire not a lender.

Handepay acts as an introducer of card acquiring services on behalf of EVO Payments UK, the card acquiring service provider. EVO Payments UK is the trading name of EVO Payments UK Ltd, a payment institution that is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN number 959332).

Existing Cards Businesses- The one-month rolling terminal hire contract from Merchant Rentals is only available to businesses that are switching from their current acquirer to EVO Payments UK arranged through Handepay.

New to Cards Businesses- The 12-month terminal hire contract from Merchant Rentals is only available to businesses that are new to card payments and wish to receive acquiring services from EVO Payments UK, arranged through Handepay.

The Next Day Banking Settlement service provided by EVO Payments UK incurs an additional fee of £4 a month on top of your acquiring service charges and fees. Provided your card machine performs a reconciliation before 12am (midnight), you’ll receive settlement of funds the next banking day.

Editorial disclaimer:

The information we provide does not constitute financial advice and might not apply to your business. Always carry out research into your business’ needs when choosing a new merchant services provider.

Sometimes, we link to other third-party websites to provide you with additional information. At the time of publication, we consider the information accurate, however, we do not have control over their content and are not responsible if any information on these websites change.

The products we display on our website are for illustrative purposes only - if your business requires additional facilities, you may receive a different model than advertised.

All of the information contained on this website, including fees, services and functionality, are correct at time of publishing. E&OE.