We have now reached 3,000 reviews on Trustpilot
We have now reached 3,000 reviews on Trustpilot and would like to thank all our loyal customers.
David Williams of Exe Mills Carpets provided us with the 3,000th review saying “They are excellent, I saved money and had great service.” David’s business development manager, Chris, has personally presented him with a bottle of champagne for being the lucky 3,000th customer to leave a review.
Trustpilot are an independent review site and help potential customers make informed decisions. We’re overall rated excellent on Trustpilot as a result of our customers leaving great reviews.
Thanks to these excellent reviews we are highly rated in the card processing, ecommerce solution and electronic payment categories.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for choosing Handepay and taking the time to leave a review. We really appreciate your help in spreading the word.