As the leading supplier of outdoor sports equipment for dogs in the UK, Inner Wolf’s website is visited over 500 times per day, with the majority of their customers requiring them to take payments online. The popular website has been running for over ten years, starting out as a way of encouraging dog owners to get outdoors more. Owner Adrian Ward has evolved the company, opening a shop in Wistow and expanding into more specialist areas such as dog scooters and hands-free running harnesses.
Adrian manages the website, so needed a quick and simple switching process with no downtime or disruption to his service.
“The most important thing to us in a service provider is cost. We had saved money on our card terminal in the shop, so when we found out that the Handepay Price Challenge also applied to e-commerce packages we were thrilled. It was amazing to hear that we could take payments online and save £711.93 per year on our payment gateway and virtual terminal!
We didn’t just benefit from the Price Challenge, we also received extra funds thanks to Handepay’s Easy Switch service. We would never have been able to switch to Handepay without these funds, as it would have taken us months to earn back the amount, which was nearly £500, that we were given to cover our switching costs!
Switching to take payments online with Handepay was simple, and much quicker than I expected. The switchover was seamless, and with the simple configuration process it was easy to install all of the necessary files. Now that we have a virtual terminal, we can offer better service to our customers as we can take payments online and over the telephone!"